Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012


Prezi is a fun new way to present information. My students have created prezis to present research they've learned in class. I also used it at parent night to inform parents of classroom info and to teach certain lessons in class. The YouTube insert is fun way to make your Prezi more personal.


Blogger is a user friendly way to communicate classroom information with parents and students.
Some of you are using blogger and some are not. The general difference between blogs and websites is that blogs updated frequently while websites will have general information that doesn't change as frequently. I like using blogs to update parents rather than email. My parents are subsribed to my blog so each time I update it they automatically get an email about it. Then while in the blog they can update themselves on homework progress, our classroom RAH charts or any other links I provide. Again look at the TechClassInfo link to find your Blog and Chrome account info.